Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter, everyone!

Evidently I was very excited to be receiving a toothbrush for Easter in 1980. Hopefully I got some chocolate to go along with that toothbrush.

The tulip report is a little boring today-things look about the same as last week. If you look closely through the fence, you can see Junior, the neighbor's dog. Hello Junior!

I started my garden seeds yesterday. I still need to rig up the my fluorescent lights, but the seeds are in the seed starter mix and are ready to go. One of the ways I get through the beginning of winter is I tell myself once January comes, I can go ahead and order some seeds from Pinetree Garden seeds. They arrived so long ago that I had forgotten what I ordered. I ended up with 5 different varieties of tomato seeds. I wanted to try a couple of new kinds this year (regular brandywines and black brandywines) as well as keep up my standards (better boy, early girl, and jellly bean grape) in case the news ones don't work out. Plus I like to have plenty of plants to share with friends. Besides the tomato seeds, I started some cosmos, marigolds, salvia (not the kind you smoke, I don't think), purple coneflowers, calendula, and black-eyed susan vines. It doesn't look too overwhelming right now, but the space the seedlings take up with expand exponentially over the coming months. These little rows will be transferred into small containers, then each plant will eventually get its own container, and by the time mid-May comes, I will be up to my ears in plants.

1 comment:

halfpassgirl said...

I bought some morning glory seeds and followed the package directions, soaking them overnight. Except I forgot about them and soaked them two nights, and they started sprouting! I went ahead and planted them anyway.