Sunday, November 30, 2008

Anyone up for a game of spoons?

I used to think that spoons was a game the Corwin family made up, but since growing up and talking to others, it sounds like this is not a unique activity to my family. (If you aren't familiar with it, the point is to collect four of a kind in your hand, after which you can grab a spoon. Then everyone else can grab a spoon. There's always one less spoon than players, so whoever doesn't get a spoon is out. You keep doing that until you have one winner.)

This year, my sister, her husband, our dad, and I made the trek down to the sticks outside of Auburn, Kansas, to my Aunt Susan's house for a great Thanksgiving dinner. I remember first playing spoons at my grandma Corwin's house back in the 80s, and we're still playing it everytime we visit.

Since I kept getting eliminated early in the game, I had some time to take photos and camera videos. Here's a good one where the little one almost blurts out what cards my cousin Andy is looking for. He'll need more training before he's ready to play.

And here's a shot of my sister after taking the last spoon and defeating our Aunt Barb. Aunt Barb had been the spoons champion, but my sister is giving her a good run for her money these days.

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